Departments » Cheese, Meat and Dairy » french cheese
Camembert Cheese
Made with cows milk. This Camembert has a pale yellow color, a soft white rind, and a creamy texture. Its flavor is distinctive and slightly fruity with an aroma similar to mushrooms.
Chaumes Cheese (French)
Chaumes is a soft cheese made in the southwest of France in the village of St Antoine, at the foothills of the French Pyrénées. The washed rind and soft-ripened cheese is made using ancestral methods with pasteurised cow's milk. The name French... more
Comte Cheese (12 Month)
Price per Pound. Comte is aged 6 months to a year. It takes as many as 530 Liters of milk, which is about the daily production of 30 cows, all to make 1 wheel of Comte, which weighs approximately 80 pounds. The cheese is regularly wiped and... more
Couronne Belletoile 70% Brie Triple Creme
Price per Pound. Light and airy brie. Triple cream, mild, 70% fat. A more savory and buttery taste than a traditional brie.
Fourme d' Ambert Cheese AOC (French)
Fourme d'Ambert is a rich and creamy cow milk blue from the Auvergne region of France. It is earthy, and has a creamy, mild flavor with a slight nutty finish.
Fromager D' Affinois
Fromager d’Affinois is made by ultra-filtration, a relatively modern process that claims a very high percentage of nutrients and butterfat from the milk during the making of the cheese. This ultra-filtration gives the cheese a silky/satin... more
Mimolette Cheese 12 Month (French) SPECIAL ORDER
Price per Pound. 2 wheels, 6 lb. each, Made in France with cow's milk. Mimolette features a natural rind that resembles a cantaloupe and a paste the color of a pumpkin. This aged cheese is made using the same production methods as Dutch Edam.... more
Port Salut (French)
Port Salut is a semi-soft pasteurised cow's milk cheese from Pays de la Loire, France, with a distinctive orange rind and a mild flavor.
P'tit Basque Cheese (French)
From the Basque, Pyrenees Mountains of France. Made from pasteurized sheep's milk, it is a semi-hard, artisan cheese. Contains 45% fat, and is creamy and smooth. Made with a natural rind, this cheese provides an array of flavors being... more
Societe (Bee) Roquefort Cheese
A raw sheep's milk cheese from Auvergne, France. Aged 4-9 months. Aged in the caves of Cambalou (Abeille) to develop an intense flavor profile. This Roquefort has an ivory and greenish-blue paste with a creamy texture (yet sometimes... more
St. Agur Cheese (French)
Price per Pound. Saint Agur is a blue cheese made from pasteurised cow's milk from the village of Beauzac in the Monts du Velay, part of the mountainous Auvergne region of central France. Made from pasteurized cow's milk It is soft,... more